A ‘fast track’ programme for practitioners in Post-16 training settings
We are pleased to be able to offer an effective response to the need to develop the teaching and training skills of staff working in Post-16 education.
The programme will focus on those aspects of training so essential in ensuring sound learning. Participants will benefit from a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders in the education and training sector. They will develop their teaching and training skills through a clear understanding of inclusive teaching and learning, and be able to plan, deliver and evaluate learning which meets the needs of all learners.
Participants attend for 4 workshop days, which include a microteach, and assignment completion. Assessment will be via portfolio, assignment and observation.
Dates of attendance are 15, 22, and 29 January & 12 February 2025 (all days 10.00 – 4.00).
Delegate fee £425 (plus vat) plus £56 awarding body registration fee – maximum delegate number 12.